114 research outputs found

    The Impact of Size on the Performance of Transnational Corporations Operating in the Textile Industry in Portugal during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The aim of this work is to understand the impact of size on the performance of transnational corporations (TNCs) operating in the textile and clothing industry in Portugal during the COVID-19 pandemic. For this purpose, we used ORBIS data for the period 2019–2020 and narrative, financial and correlation analyses to assess the performance of five companies. Thus far, the impact of company size on the competitiveness of Portuguese textile affiliates during the pandemic has remained unexplored. The results show that smaller firms performed better than larger ones, likely due to the higher fixed costs of the latter at times when orders declined worldwide. Our analysis suggests that there are some characteristics of TNCs that matter in explaining company-level performance during crises, such as management experience and flexibility. Furthermore, as Portugal is a major European textile exporter, it is useful for the host country to assess the economic sustainability of its foreign investors. The results provide some policy recommendations regarding the promotion of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cross-border cooperation (CBC) in Southern Europe-An iberian case study. The eurocity Elvas-Badajoz

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    The experiences of cross-border cooperation (CBC), undertaken not only in Europe but throughout the world, have enabled areas to gain greater importance in recent decades at an international level, showing potential for integrative functions and joint development as exemplified by several CBC projects. The present paper assesses the impact of CBC projects by analyzing a protocol established in 2013 between the cities of Elvas and Badajoz, which induced the creation of the Eurocity Elvas-Badajoz. The paper kicks off with a critical review on territorial factors for success in CBC areas, considering the analysis of several case studies throughout Europe. The lessons learned, taken from the analyzed case studies, and the identified territorial success factors were used as assessment points for the investigation of the target study area, the Eurocity Elvas-Badajoz. The investigation explores public participation perceptions towards the identification of what changes with respect to standards of life with the CBC project, providing the current state of affairs and identifying where to place efforts in order to reach sustainable development for the region. While being a transition area, it presents several opportunities for growth. These opportunities have not yet been object of analysis and debate with respect to lasting, sustainable successful growth. The present research enables the identification of several territorial factors for success in the study area, such as the connectivity/movement between cities and strong political commitment. From the identified critical factors, it was possible to highlight the importance of public transportation as a priority for achieving success in this CBC project.National Funds - FCT-Foundation for Science and Technology [UID/SOC/04020/2013

    Manufacturing Productivity and FDI Externalities: is Small Beautiful?

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    The role of FDI as a vehicle for economic growth is debatable in practice. On the other hand, the size of the company and the technological groups can influence the occurrence and magnitude of FDI externalities. Thus, this article investigates the impact of firm size on the occurrence of foreign direct investment externalities in the Portuguese industry from 1995 to 2007, by technology groups, using panel data at the firm level. To this end, we estimate the TFP and regress it on a set of variables, including the foreign presence in the same sector, upstream and downstream. The results show that only (small and large) companies in scale-intensive industries; and small firms in science-based industries benefit from the positive externalities of FDI. This suggests that firm size can influence the occurrence of FDI externalities in the manufacturing sector, but only in some technology groups. Based on the results, investment policy recommendations are made.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Return migration and tourism sustainability in Portugal: extracting opportunities for sustainable common planning in southern Europe

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    This study contributes to the knowledge of decision-makers on how tourism, small and medium-sized enterprises, return migration, and cooperation strategies can contribute to growth and sustainable development in rural areas. More specifically, it uses the Portuguese case to answer the following question: can the expectations and perceptions of emigrants provide directions for sustainabletourismdevelopmentandcommonplanninginordertocontributetoruraldevelopment? The results obtained in a study developed in Portugal, through the application of a questionnaire survey of 5157 Portuguese emigrants, confirm the validity of this question. It is concluded that there are the emigrants at an active age (29–39 years old) and with a house in a rural area that have a greater propensity of returning, investing, and gaining employment in the area of tourism in Portugal, and they also have more training and professional experience in this area. Similarly, considering the experiences and migratory characteristics of these emigrants, it is argued that there is a strong probability that the return of emigrants from Southern European countries will contribute to the development of tourism in the rural areas of these countries. Besides, the study enablestheidentificationofrecommendationsanddirectionsforsustainablecommonplanninginthe political–strategic, financial–economic, resource sustainability, and sociocultural fields.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Is Investment Contributing to Competitiveness in Nautical Tourism in the Atlantic Area?

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    The blue economy contributes significantly to the creation of the Atlantic Area’s identity. In addition, the search for outdoor experiences after the COVID-19 lockdown suspensions has renewed the popularity of nautical tourism in this area and in the world. Despite the negative effects of the economic crisis on tourism, evidence suggests that some tourist destinations in the Atlantic area are resilient. Thus, whereas some branches of the blue economy face considerable challenges to increasing competitiveness, others offer opportunities for economic growth and employment. In this context, investment is necessary to lay the foundations for the sustainable development of nautical tourism. However, regarding the role of investment in productivity and competitiveness in the context of crisis, there is no consensus among academics. Thus, we investigate whether the investment contributed to competitiveness in nautical tourism in the Atlantic Area in 2016–2020. We collected data from ORBIS for 29 nautical-tourism companies and performed a quantitative and qualitative narrative analysis of competitiveness indicators, enabling comparisons pre and during crisis. The results highlight the multiplicity of ways in which crisis impacts nautical-tourism firms. The research fills a gap in the literature by investigating the dynamic capabilities of nautical-tourism SMEs in periods of recession, with a special focus on restructuring and competitiveness strategies. Some recommendations are outlined to promote the efficiency of resources and stimulate the competitiveness of companies to allow the regional development of nautical tourism in the territory of the Atlantic area.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tourism and Sustainable Landscapes: A Portuguese Case

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    Nowadays, the need for sustainable development and growth is considered as a maximum. Therefore, in Mediterranean territories, this issue is not dissociable as well. Nevertheless, this concept of sustainability, when applied to the environmental sphere, is not always fully considered and understood—as is the case of the landscape’s sustainability. Contextually, the present chapter intends to provide evidence of what way migrants and tourism businesses can change Mediterranean territories into sustainable landscapes. A Portuguese case study of 5,157 inquired migrants revealed that a significant percentage of them wish to return to their home country of origin to manage a tourism business and practice agriculture for self-consumption. This is owing to their tradition of practicing agriculture, where they generally do not employ insecticides and use simple techniques, as well as to the rural organization of the house and other cultivated lands they have scattered in their place of origin. Their similar experiences and migratory characteristics also lead us to argue there is a strong probability that migrants from Southern Europe and Mediterranean countries can also contribute to tourism development and sustainable landscapes in those countries

    O terraço como exemplo de um facto arquitectónico definidor de uma topografia de relação com a paisagem

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Arquitectura, Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa, 2014Exame público realizado em 5 de Março de 2014A presente dissertação aborda as questões inerentes à realização e utilização do terraço como ideia operativa de Arquitectura. Apresenta-se o modo como a arquitectura cria uma simbiose entre o facto arquitectónico e a paisagem, seja ela natural ou construída, na criação de um Lugar. O terraço, como espaço acima de um determinado nível, é apresentado como uma das ideias possíveis para a criação dessa relação, na perspectiva de ser definidor de uma topografia e de ter como principal objectivo uma relação com a paisagem. Nesta investigação, a questão sobre o modo como este espaço se poderá complementar ao espaço de Miradouro, num contexto urbano, tanto nas suas ideias comuns de relação com a paisagem, bem como na articulação entre os conceitos de Tipologia e Morfologia urbana

    Processos de Avaliação e Monitorização do Impacte Ambiental de um Campo de Golfe - Bases para a Definição de Medidas de Monitorização e Mitigação para o Campo “Guadiana Golf” em Badajoz, Espanha.

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    Os campos de golfe não são áreas isoladas dentro do território onde se inserem, mas sim partes integrantes do ecossistema envolvente. Os campos de golfe são elementos da paisagem e, além de todos os benefícios funcionais, estéticos e económicos que possam trazer à região, podem ainda, se a sua gestão for correta, melhorar a qualidade do meio ambiente onde se encontram. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo a elaboração de uma Análise de Avaliação Ambiental, juntamente com a proposta de medidas de monitorização e mitigação aos impactes negativos desse mesmo estudo. Procura-se ainda focar a temática da gestão e manutenção de um Campo de Golfe de alta competição, assim como um breve enquadramento histórico do aparecimento e evolução dos Campos de Golfe, mostrando desta forma toda a sua diversidade e versatilidade dentro do mundo do “Golfe”. A componente prática do trabalho, realizada no âmbito do trabalho de campo efetuado no Complexo “Guadiana Golf”, centra-se no acompanhamento das operações e processos de gestão e manutenção de um campo de golfe, assim como de levantamentos de alguns dados referentes à fauna, flora, fisiografia do terreno, entre outros inerentes a um estudo desta natureza, tendo como finalidade o confronto dos resultados com os principais descritores de um Estudo de Impacte Ambiental. Com este trabalho pode constatar-se que os processos de Avaliação de Impacte Ambiental e os Estudos de Impacte Ambiental, são a base de sustentação para que exista sucesso no projeto de um campo de golfe, e para isso devem ser tomadas em linha de conta as medidas de mitigação aos impactes negativos e de potenciação aos impactes positivos, bem como medidas de monitorização constantes ou periódicas, especialmente na fase de exploração uma vez que é aquela que de modo geral terá maior longevidade.The golf courses are not isolated areas in the territory where they are restricted, but na integral part of the surrounding ecosystem. The golf courses are elements of the landscape and, in addition to all the benefits of functional, visual and economic that could bring to the region, may also, if their management is correct, improve the quality of the environment. Whereby this paper aims the developing a Environmental Impact Study, together with the proposed mitigation measures for negative impacts of that study. It seeks to further focus on the issue of management and maintenance of a Golf Course of high competition, as well as a brief historical background of the emergence and evolution of the Golf, thus showing all its diversity and versatility within the world "Golf". The practical part of the work carried out within the visits to "Guadiana Golf", focuses on the monitoring of operations and management processes and maintenance of a golf course, as well as surveys of fauna, flora, topographic and planimetric, the study área and finally comparing the results with key descriptors of an Environmental Impact Study. The practical component of the work performed under the fieldwork carried out in the Complex "Guadiana Golf", focuses on the monitoring of operations and management processes and maintenance of a golf course, as well as surveys of some data related to wildlife flora, physiography of the land, among others inherent in such a study, for purposes of the comparison of results with key descriptors of an Environmental Impact Study. With this work can be seen that the process of Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Impact Studies, are the support base so that there is success in the design of a golf course, and this must be taken into account the measures to mitigate the negative impacts and maximizing the positive impacts, and measures to constant or periodic monitoring, especially in the exploration stage since it is one that generally have greater longevity

    Characteristics of Iona National Park’s visitors: Planning for ecotourism and sustainable development in Angola

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    To assess the characteristics of Iona National Park’s visitors, we analyzed secondary data and conducted a survey by administering face-to-face interviews. We used information referring to a total of 354 visitors to assess tourists’ personal characteristics (bio-data), their motivation for visiting, and their level of satisfaction. Themajority of the visitors (60%) revealed a prevailing interest in natural and cultural attractions, and they predominantly fit a “wildlife tourist” profile. Within this profile, two possible different types of clientele were identified: (1) tourists who consider the visit as a learning opportunity but tend to exhibit low environmental and social awareness; and (2) visitors who consider the visit as a learning opportunity but also as a process where sustainability norms should be maintained. Using the study findings, we propose guidelines for the development of ecotourism in Iona National Park to advance sustainable development

    The Influence of Water Quality on the Structural Development of Vessels: Smart Dimensioning Process

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    In fact, it is pivotal the development, use, and management of the best and most suitable coatings to be supplied to vessels—especially those designed for long journeys; not only to increase their stability and safety but also to minimize their maintenance cost. In this regard, it should be also considering the function, the vessel typology and its routes, as well as the quality of the waters by which it will navigate. Topics that are critical to promote a better dimensioning process of vessels. Thus, the present chapter, via an extensive literature review articulated with practical approaches, aims to define relevant directions for vessels structural development processes regarding the water quality (sea or river waters), where they will outline their routes. Therefore, the study looks for a relationship between the vessels structural coating design process and the quality of the water where they navigate. Moreover, such a process not only will optimize/minimize the costs with the periodic maintenance of the vessels linings, but also to relate it with its routes—contributing to the revitalization of their structural dimensioning